Social Sciences
The study of the social sciences is of great importance in understanding why and how the nations of the world interact with each other, the foundations of our American government, and economics. Explore the links below for exciting learning ideas.
Personal Growth is a course where students, typically freshmen, study a variety of health topics, include exercise, fitness, nutrition, relationships, human anatomy, infectious diseases, etc. Click Here to go to online textbook resources.

Modern World History
Copyright 2019. 1st Edition. ISBN: 978-1-328-81200-1
This is a year-long course, usually taken in the student's sophomore year. Assignments include but are not limited to the coverage of World History starting with the Enlightenment and Revolutions 1500-1800 to Global Interdependence 1960- Present, with an emphasis on the Industrial Revolution, Russian Revolution, both World Wars, and the Holocaust. Students will do various research projects throughout the year.

United States Government
Copyright 2016. 1st Edition. ISBN 978-0-07-663453-8
This is a semester-long course, usually taken in the Fall semester of the student's senior year. For CP U.S. Government there is a final project due at the end of the semester, and students have a choice of six options for their final project. Assignments include but are not limited to: Unit 1. Foundations of American Government, Unit 2. The Legislative Branch, Unit 3. The Executive Branch, and Unit 4 The Judicial Branch.
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Copyright 2019. Ist Edition. ISBN: 978-0-544-92788-9
This is a semester-long course, usually taken in the Fall semester of the student's freshman year. Assignments include but are not limited to the coverage of the following areas: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

American History -Reconstruction to the Present
Copyright 2019. Ist Edition. ISBN: 978-0-544-92788-9
This is a semester-long course, usually taken in the Fall semester of the student's freshman year. Assignments include but are not limited to the coverage of the following areas: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
This is a semester-long course, usually taken in the Fall semester of the student's freshman year. Assignments include but are not limited to the coverage of the following areas: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

Understanding Economics
Copyright 2016. 1st Edition. ISBN 978-0-07-664344-8
This is a semester-long course, usually taken in the Spring semester of the student's senior year. For CP U.S. Government there is a semester-long four-part written project, known as, "The 'Get Rich?' Project". Assignments include but are not limited to:
Unit 1. Thinking Like an Economist,
Unit 2. Understanding Markets, Unit 3. Business and Labor, Unit 4 Money, Banking, and Finance, and Unit 7 The Global Economy.
Unit 2. Understanding Markets, Unit 3. Business and Labor, Unit 4 Money, Banking, and Finance, and Unit 7 The Global Economy.
Odysseyware is our online learning software. It offers are variety of excellent learning options including social science courses. To learn more about Odysseyware, talk to your facilitator to enroll.
Click Here to go to the SCA Odysseyware Portal.
Click Here to go to the SCA Odysseyware Portal.